Enable only the options you need to get the perfect time tracker, and see how it improves your time management.
Stop running over time, boost your focus, log your work hours and save time filling timesheets!

Tasks and projects
Create tasks that need to be completed and organize them into projects. Each task has its color and icon: make it fun!

Each task has a chronometer, start it and stop it anytime! And get the total spent during the day, week or month.

Estimate the time that a task should take and keep an eye on your progress, to make sure you don’t go overtime.

Get beautiful and meaningful insights on how you spend your time.

Retrostart & retrostop
Did you forget to start a task, or forget to stop it? It happens all the time, but we let you correct that effortlessly.

Favorites and search
Access any tasks in a blink of an eye, especially the ones you use the most.

Leave a comment on any of your work sessions.

Billable sessions
When working for clients, your time is not always billable. State which sessions are billable, and which are not.

Simplicity and modularity
Keep Toolten dead simple by enabling only the options you need.

Automatic backup
Premium – Your data is saved in the cloud for safekeeping.

Multiple devices
Premium – Use different devices to access the app, including any computer with a browser.

Real-time synchronization
Premium – Start a task on your computer, stop it on your phone. Toolten keeps you synced all day.

Archive the tasks you are done with so you don’t clutter your workspace.

Import and export
Download your data in and out of the app to use it in spreadsheets or other software.

Toolten is available in multiple languages. Drop us a line if you want to help us translate in yours!